18th Fighter Group

6th Fighter Squadron, 12th FS, 19th FS, 44th FS, 70th FS, 78th FS, 333rd FS, 419th FS

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Anderson, Gene
Bade, Jack
Baker, Richard
Barker, Emerson
Beatty, Clyde
Blankenship, John
Borders, Andrew
Bowman, Byron
Burbank, Frederick
Byers, Rex
Connolly, Robert
Cosgrove, John
Cox, John
Crow, Robert
Davis, James
Deforrest, Glen
Dessert, Donald
Durtschi, Arthur
Eddy, Jack
Endress, John
Foquet, Raymond
Frush, Charles
Gassmann, Zean
Gill, James
Glenny, James

There are (97) servicemen of the 18th FG in this archive.